Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Let It Start With Me And You

From my personal Facebook Page, post dated November 11, 2016

I have been thinking and praying on a few things this week. Thought I might share...

The election has definitely been part of what has been part of my thought process. I couldn't find the right words...

How do you find the words that express a myriad of feelings when so many people are hurting? Including yourself.

I speak about fear a lot. In how I have overcome my own shortcomings and gone onto success from failure. I speak about it from a perspective when I work with my people.

Fear is an emotion I tell people is an emotional indicator we are in new territory and we don't know how to handle it, because we have never experienced something before. Fear can be used as an impetus to change something that isn't working for us. I've used the energy that fear gives me to push myself through unknowns so that I can get to where I need to be from where I am. It's terrifying. And exhilarating and filled with relief when I reached my destination.

I spent a lot of introspective time because I needed to process some things.

With this election, we have seen fear in a lot of things, events, and definitely other people. The thing I prayed on the other night is understanding. I told myself to remove the emotion and get to the heart of what was impeding my understanding.

There's a lot.

I was reading articles trying to analyze the aftermath of the election.

Articles about how many people felt marginalized or separated and why.

Articles about why the electoral college doesn't work. I, personally, have thought it should be something that is re-evaluated to match our current times. Maybe it should. There's tons of information why it's in place. There's tons of information why it should be changed.

Articles for and against each candidate. Their spouses. The presidential predecessors. Digs and barbs at their character, their life choices, who they affiliate with, and how they got to where they are.

Articles about the protests. Articles about healthcare. Articles about peoples rights. Articles about American History. Articles from media people. Articles about articles. Ad nauseum. Ad infinitum.

What is the understanding that I got out of my reading? My conversations? My prayers? Thoughts?

I came up with this.

We all feel that marginalized in some ways whether we give voice to that feeling or not. Cultures. Ethnicities. Religious or spiritual practices. Gender and sexual orientation. Socio-economic backgrounds. Genders. Ages. Geographical origin. Regions. We all feel that people don't "get us". The "us" versus "them" mentality is old as time and is used to divide us and make us feel like we are superior in some way than someone else. To validate us. To validate our existence. To validate our beliefs.

The "us" versus "them" mentality has got to stop. It's divisive. It's hurtful. It does not good except make people feel like they don't belong. It also makes people feel like they are entitled because I'm a ___________ (see above list of qualifiers) and my opinion is right.

Here's the DL. WE. ALL. MATTER. Rich. Not so rich. Men. Women. Other. Hetero. Gay. Queer. Native. White. Black. American. Asian. Middle Eastern. European. Smart. Average. Democrat. Republican. (Insert qualifier here.)

Every single one of us on this planet wants to be loved. By their parent. Their spouse. Have their family (however that family is defined) respected and allowed to grow into the kinds of people we hope they will be. We want to take care of our families. We want to feed them, house them, clothe them, and give them something better than we had. We want them to understand God whatever name we happen to call the Divine Energy that is in everyone and everything. We all want to taste success of our own definition. We want to be comfortable.

Look at that person who you think is so different. UNDERSTAND THEY WANT THE SAME DAMN THING YOU WANT. Look at their children. Look at yours. Teach your children to treat each person they encounter with respect and teach them that if they don't understand the beliefs, culture, and lifestyle of this other person, that's okay.

As I've told my children, as I've told my students, and as I've told people when they need to listen...

The greatest thing we can do for one another is give each person the benefit of the doubt. To listen to one another. To care about their humanity. Because we each are just trying to do the best we can.

Where you can, educate.

Where you can, offer to help.

Where you can, serve.

Where you can, forgive.

Where you can, love.

Remember, we don't all have the same kinds of teachers. Let this time in history be a time we realize this. Not everyone will understand. Not everyone will evolve past their ego. Their upbringing. Their circumstances.

I am reminded today that the best way to encourage understanding is to communicate. Sometimes it is inconvenient. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes it hurts. But keep sharing. You should be kind with your words. Not because it's politically correct. But, because it's the right thing to do.

For me, what hurts is feeling hatred. For me, what hurts is feeling like I don't belong. For me, what hurts is feeling like my existence doesn't matter as much as someone else's. For me, what hurts is that my hard work will be ignored or dismissed. For me, what hurts is feeling impotent.

I have a sneaking suspicion that other people feel this way too.

Write what hurts. If not to share, than for yourself. Taking responsibility for your thoughts, your words, your actions and how you live your values is not a sign of weakness or vulnerability. It's a strength that few have.

I commit to being better. I don't intentionally hurt anyone. If I have hurt you, I apologize.

The election stuff will sort itself out. Humanity? That's our responsibility. Let it start with me and you.

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